
Earthquake Wellington

Earthquake Shakes Wellington and Surrounding Areas

A small earthquake of magnitude 4.6 rattled Wellington and the lower North Island, causing a stir among residents. Find out more about the seismic event here!

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Earthquake Wellington

Wellington Shakes Things Up: 4.8 Earthquake Hits Capital!

Wellington was jolted awake last night by a 4.8 magnitude earthquake! Find out how Kiwis reacted when the earth moved under their feet!

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Wellington earthquake

Wellington Rocks (Literally): The Night the Earth Shook!

Did you feel that? Wellington was jolted awake by a 4.8 magnitude earthquake! Here's what went down during the tremor.

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When Interislander Ferries Go Fishing for Damage โ€“ A Hull of a Situation!

The Interislander Aratere has had a rough week after hitting a linkspan in Wellington. Let's dive into the choppy waters of this ferry fiasco!

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Drifting and Towing: The Bluebridge Ferry Chronicles!

Catch the wild tale of the drifting Bluebridge ferry, Connemara, as it battles power loss and weather in the Cook Strait.

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