
2022 - 7 - 27

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Image courtesy of "We Got This Covered"

The Mere Suggestion of a 'Jaws' Reboot Horrifies the Film Community (We Got This Covered)

While there are very few movies that can be deemed as either sacred or untouchable in an era where every known brand is in a state of perpetual rebooting, ...

In fact, the mere suggestion of it being floated on two separate Reddit threads led to an outpouring of condemnation, and rightly so. Looking at the facts and the current state of both A and B-tier cinema, there are more than enough shark attack flicks coming down the pipeline on an annual basis for Jaws to remain on its lofty pedestal indefinitely. The mere suggestion of a โ€˜Jawsโ€™ reboot horrifies the film community

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