Weather watch

2023 - 2 - 10


By Mary O'KEEFE. A recent study in the UK found that eating ultra-processed foods may increase the risk of cancer. Breakfast cereals, mass-produced bread, ...

I will be as cautious with the food I eat as I was with the food I gave my children. I thought, “There is no way humanity would go this far.” Now that I am older and have seen how far those with money and power will go to stay in control I have looked at “Soylent Green” as a real possibility. The upcoming weather looks like a good time to plant a garden for those homegrown foods. In this tale the rich and powerful have food – real food, not the processed soylent substance produced by the Soylent Corporation. (Spoiler alert: If you have not seen this movie, stop reading now; watch the film and then come back. Make Room!” The film looks to the future – 2022 – and what overpopulation and climate change has done to the Earth. The 1973 film “Soylent Green,” was loosely based on the Harry Harrison novel “Make Room! You’ll marvel how the examples of climate change that were shown were during a period when even mentioning the term was taboo. The poor have choices, though: soylent red and soylent yellow, both advertised as packed full of high-energy vegetable concentrates. It was so exciting; we all got to pick out our own individual dinner. When TV dinners were the big thing, Dad went out and bought TV trays so we could eat dinner and watch television. Our canned food was usually my great grandmother’s preserves.

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