Freddy Dodge and Juan Ibarra are two miners from "Gold Rush" who have proven time and again how resourceful they are, even making their own equipment parts.
Both Ibarra and Dodge have over 40 years of experience. He's an excellent mechanic, and he's an excellent person. This fact is highlighted by their very own spin-off, "Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge's Mine Rescue," which sees the two travel to different gold mining operations in order to lend their skills and professional acumen in hopes of aiding struggling miners. At this point in the conversation, the interviewer pointed out that there are no stores where Ibarra and Dodge set up, and they wondered how the duo were able to figure out how to craft equipment on the fly. We've made things that don't work, and we don't want to do that again." No amount of planning always goes without a hitch, which often sees skilled gold miners utilizing their resources in order to deal with broken equipment, inclement weather, and other unforeseen events that threaten their collections of precious and valuable minerals.
With 50,000 golden rainbow trout, 68 stockings and a chance to win a lifetime fishing license, the West Virginia Gold Rush is the fishing event of the year.