Our Fruit Box

2024 - 4 - 16

Woman Defies MPI with Unregistered Juice Business, Claims God is Boss

Consumer Health - Food Industry - Food Safety Regulations - Jade Tatana - New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries - Our Fruit Box

Meet Jade Tatana, the fearless owner of Our Fruit Box who stands against regulations, declaring God as her boss over MPI!

Meet Jade Tatana, the fearless owner of Our Fruit Box, who has made headlines by boldly proclaiming that 'God is my boss, not MPI.' Despite regulations mandating businesses to register under the Food Act, Tatana remains steadfast in her refusal, citing divine authority as her guiding force. The unconventional stance has sparked controversy among health authorities and consumers alike.

Tatana's dedication to her beliefs extends beyond the business realm, where she sees herself as answerable solely to a higher power. While the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is tasked with ensuring food safety standards are met, Tatana's faith-based perspective sets her apart in the entrepreneurial landscape.

In a world driven by regulations and compliance, Tatana's rebellion challenges conventional norms, raising questions about the intersection of faith and business practices. As the debate surrounding food safety and religious convictions continues, Our Fruit Box stands as a symbol of defiance and individuality in the marketplace.

Despite the unconventional approach, Tatana's unwavering faith in divine guidance underscores the complexity of personal beliefs in navigating regulatory frameworks. The clash between religious autonomy and legal obligations sheds light on the diverse ideologies shaping entrepreneurial decisions in today's society.

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Image courtesy of "Stuff.co.nz"

'God is my boss, not MPI': Woman vows to keep selling unsafe juice ... (Stuff.co.nz)

God is my boss, not MPIโ€ says Our Fruit Box owner Jade Tatana, who refuses to register her business under the Food Act.

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