The film is led by franchise newcomers Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jodie Comer and Ralph Fiennes, who are seen throughout the creepy trailer fighting off zombies.
Danny Boyle's '28 Years Later' just got its first trailer, and it appears to feature a zombified Cillian Murphy looming over Jodie Comer.
Sony Pictures has released a trailer for forthcoming sequel '28 Years Later,' starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jodie Comer, and Ralph Fiennes.
The first trailer for Danny Boyle and Alex Garland's new apocalyptic horror sequel sees humanity decimated by the events of 28 Days and Weeks Later.
The actor has hinted that he would be keen on returning to the series for the eagerly anticipated third film.
The first trailer for 28 Years Later, the long-awaited zombie thriller sequel from director Danny Boyle, has been released.
A blink-and-miss appearance has fans convinced that it is none other Cillian Murphy in the trailer of 28 Years Later. It is directed by Danny Boyle.
28 Years Later — out June 20th, 2025 — introduces a new generation of mutants infected with the rage virus in first trailer.
Danny Boyle returns to direct and Alex Garland returns to write "28 Years Later," a new horror sequel starring Jodie Comer, Ralph Fiennes and Aaron ...
The "28 Years Later" trailer is here, and fans think a split-second shot may have revealed Cillian Murphy's unexpected role.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Jodie Comer star in the trailer for "28 Years Later," the third film in the "28 Days Later" horror franchise.
28 Days Later is a film I hold near and dear to my heart. Danny Boyle's horror classic came onto the scene in 2002 and single-handedly revitalized zombie ...
Will Oscar-winning star Cillian Murphy reprise his 28 Days Later role? It's been quite the wait, but the highly-anticipated follow-up to horror films 28 Days ...
Zombie movie action soundtracked by the unhinged vinyl screeches of Boots, Rudyard Kipling's evocation of soldiers in battle? It's a match made in horror ...
28 Years Later could see Cillian Murphy's Jim becoming the big bad in the trilogy to come.
Here's everything to know about the trailer for "28 Years Later," coming in 2025 and starring Cillian Murphy, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Jodie Comer.
The official trailer for the third instalment of the horror film franchise 28 Days Later has been released – and one detail in the teaser cannot be unseen.
Find out the "28 Years Later" movie release date, cast, plot details and whether Cillian Murphy will appear after "28 Days Later" and "28 Weeks Later."
The actor has hinted that he would be keen on returning to the series for the eagerly anticipated third film.
Danny Boyle and Alex Garland are coming together 18 years later for another zombie sequel — or maybe sequels. Ahead of the 2025 release, Sony has shared a ...
Ahead of the June 2025 release of the long-awaited third part in the '28 Days Later' film series, a detail in the trailer's soundtrack has intrigued film ...
As for 28 Days Later, a film you probably want to watch ahead of its release, you have been unable to, legally, in almost any format for a long while now.
The mind-and-body-altering Rage virus is back in the post-apocalyptic horror movie 28 Years Later, directed by Danny Boyle and written by Alex Garland.
Rumour that Irish actor returning as a zombie in Danny Boyle's new film debunked, as art dealer Angus Neill confirmed to be playing role.
RIP Cillian Murphy. The Oscar winner, 48, appears to not survive the rage-inducing virus that destroys the world in “28 Years Later,” the third installment ...
The first movie of the new trilogy is set to come out in the summer of 2025, and it includes some familiar faces, including Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jodie Comer, ...