Erica Stanford is set to reveal the next steps of the government's reponse to the inquiry into historical abuse.
The Government has confirmed how it will provide redress to survivors who were tortured at the Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital Child and Adolescent Unit ...
Erica Stanford has unveiled the government's redress plan for those tortured at the psychiatric hospital.
Lawyers acting for survivors of abuse in State care are disappointed the Government's redress announcement today only recognised those who suffered abuse at ...
There has been a mixed response from Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital Child and Adolescent Unit survivors after the announcement of a redress scheme . Lead.
A Lake Alice survivor understands the frustration at the Government's torture redress. Eligible people tortured at the psychiatric hospital in the 1970s can ...
New Zealand will provide financial compensation to children and teens who were abused at a state psychiatric hospital in the 1970s and issue a written ...
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care revealed that many of the 362 children placed in the Lake Alice Unit did not suffer from any mental ...
Lead minister of the government's response to abuse in care Erica Stanford said Cabinet looked at this case very separately.
John MacDonald thinks the Government is jumping the gun by making the redress offer to Lake Alice survivors.
Lead minister of the government's response to abuse in care Erica Stanford said Cabinet looked at this case very separately.